Type conversion

configman comes with an advanced set of type conversion utilities. This is necessary since config files don’t allow rich python types to be expressed. The way this is done is by turning things into strings and turning strings into rich python objects by labelling what type conversion script to use.

A basic example is that of booleans as seen in the Tutorial when it dumps the boolean devowel option as into an ini file. It looks like this:

# name: devowel
# doc: Removes all vowels (including Y)

As you can see it automatically figured out that the convertor should be configman.converters.boolean_converter. As you can imagine; under the hood configman does something like this:

# pseudo code
converter = __import__('configman.converters.boolean_converter')
actual_value = converter('False')

So, how did it know you wanted a boolean converter? It picked this up from the definition’s default value’s type itself. Reminder; from the Tutorial:

definition = Namespace()


The list of configman built-in converters will get you very far for basic python types. The complete list is this:

  • int
  • float
  • str
  • unicode
  • bool (empty string is False, non-empty string is True–use boolean_converter for better boolean conversion)
  • datetime.datetime (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S or %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f)
  • datetime.date (%Y-%m-%d)
  • datetime.timedelta (for example, 1:2:0:3 becomes days=1, hours=2, minutes=0, seconds=3)
  • type (see below)
  • types.FunctionType (see below)
  • compiled_regexp_type

The type and types.FunctionType built-ins are simpler than they might seem. It’s basically the same example pseudo code above. This example should demostrate how it might work:

import morse
  'Turns morse code into real letters',

What this will do is it will import the python module morse and expect to find a function in there called morse_load. Suppose we have one that looks like this:

# This is morse/__init__.py
dictionary = {
  '.-.': 'p',
  '.': 'e',
  '-': 't',
  '.--.': 'r',

def morse_load(s):
    o = []
    for e in s.split(','):
        o.append(dictionary.get(e.lower(), '?'))
    return ''.join(o)

Another more advanced example is to load a class rather than a simple value. To do this you’ll need to use one of the pre-defined configman converters as the from_string_converter value. To our example above we’re going to add a configurable class:

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from configman.converters import class_converter
  'A Scottish dialect class for the morse code converter',

That needs to exist as an importable class. So we add it:

# This is morse/__init__.py
class ScottishDialect(object):
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def render(self):
        return self.text.replace('e', 'i').replace('E','I')

Now, this means that the class is configurable and you can refer to a specific class simply by name and it becomes available in your program. For example, in this trivial example we can use it like this:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = create_config()
    dialect = config.dialect(config.morsecode)

If you run this like this:

$ python morse-communicator.py --morsecode=.,-,.--.,-,.

This is just an example to whet your appetite but a more realistic example is that you might have a configurable class for sending emails. In production you might have it wired to be to something like this:

  'Which backend should send the emails',
  doc='username for using the SMTP server'
  doc='password for using the SMTP server'

Then, suppose you have different backends for sending SMTP available you might want to run it like this when doing local development:

# name: email_send_class
# doc: Which backend should send the emails

So that instead of sending over the network (which was default) it uses another class which knows to just print the emails being sent on the stdout or some log file or something.

Not built-ins

Suppose none of the built-ins in configman is what you want. There’s nothing stopping you from just writing down your own. Consider this tip calculator for example:

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import getopt
from configman import Namespace, ConfigurationManager

def create_config():
    namespace = Namespace()
    import decimal
    value_sources = ('tipcalc.ini', getopt, )
    config_manager = ConfigurationManager([namespace], value_sources)
    return config_manager.get_config()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = create_config()
    tip_amount = config.amount * config.tip / 100
    print("(exact amount: %r)" % tip_amount)
    print('$%.2f' % tip_amount)

When run it will automatically convert whatever number you give it to a python Decimal type. Note how in the example it prints the repr of the calculated value:

$ python tipcalc.py --amount 100.59 --tip=25
(exact amount: Decimal('25.1475'))